Sober living – FINO SERVICES

The 5 Most Addictive Substances On Earth

With repeated use, the drug’s effects diminish, requiring higher doses to achieve the same effects. Nutt’s study ranked street methadone as the fourth most addictive substance. In clinical settings, addiction experts provide methadone to wean people off opioids. The drug is designed to reduce cravings and prevent opioid withdrawal symptoms. For decades, researchers have ranked … Read more

Alcohol withdrawal: symptoms, timeline and treatment

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) is a medical term for the symptoms that occur when someone who uses alcohol over a prolonged period discontinues or significantly reduces their alcohol intake. Typically, those who experience alcohol withdrawal have an alcohol use disorder (AUD). This is because their body has already developed a tolerance and dependency on alcohol. … Read more

The Effects of Alcohol on Skin and How to Manage Them

Alcoholic myopathy can affect appearance by decreasing muscle mass, making arms and legs appear thin and weak. Alcohol disrupts iron metabolism, a major factor in PCT, a rare skin condition how alcohol affects your face causing fragility, blistering, and scarring. While alcohol isn’t the sole cause, studies find 70% of PCT patients have significant alcohol … Read more